Reading/ Discussion
- Groups Who Thrive on the Fringes of Society
Fri. 2nd. Period David Hoenigman
Culture, Discussion, Extensive Reading, Film, Listening, Literature, Presentation, Research, Speaking, Vocabulary, Web Activities

The Fall 2020 semester is fully online. 


完全オンライン/Fully Online


Subcultures: The Basics is an engaging introduction to youth cultures in a global context. Blending theory and practice, this text examines a range of subcultures such as hip hop, graffiti  writing, heavy metal, punk, burlesque, parkour, riot grrrl, straight edge, body modification, and skateboarding.            

[From the back cover of the book]

This class will use Ross Haenfler’s Subcultures: The Basics (2014) as a springboard to discuss various subcultures (both worldwide and within Japan). Students will be given weekly reading assignments from the text, as well as corresponding homework that deals with the vocabulary, cultural aspects, and themes of the book. Class discussions will be based on the readings and a viewing of SoulPancake's "Subcultures" video series. Students should be the driving force of these discussions. Enthusiastic class participation is expected. There will be a midterm essay test and a final presentation.


Students must buy the book (available at Keio Co-op Fujisawa store) for this course. 

Students will

1. read an academic sociological study in its entirety,

2. boost their vocabulary and cultural awareness,

3. further develop the ability to express themselves in written and spoken English,

4. gain an awareness and understanding of subcultures throughout the world and in Japan,

5. choose a subculture to research/analyze, and give a presentation on this topic.

Attendance/Participation: 30%
Homework: 40%
Midterm essay test: 15%
Presentation: 15%
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  •  Discuss syllabus


What is a subculture? (pg. 1-26)


How do subcultures emerge and why do people participate? (pg. 27-41)


How do subcultures resist “mainstream” society … and are they successful?

(pg. 42-60)


Who participates in subcultures? (pg. 61-81)


Who are the “authentic” participants and who are the “poseurs”? (pg. 82-100)


How does society react to subcultures? (pg. 101-117)

-midterm take-home essay test


Have subcultures gone virtual? Global?

Where do subculturists hang out? (pg. 118 -138)


What happens to subculturists as they “grow up”? (pg. 139-155)


guest speaker: Dr. Ross Haenfler


Final presentations wk. 1 


Final presentations wk. 2




I aspire to learn as much from the students as they (hopefully) learn from me in this course.

Please don’t be shy to share your own subcultural passions with the class.