Japan and India
- Historical, Social and Economic Links
Thu. 4th. Period Ui Teramoto
Discussion, Presentation, Project, Research, Speaking, Web Activities

This course will be conducted FULLY ONLINE.

The course is designed to help students understand the interactive history and current partnerships between Japan and India as well as developing presentation skills. In the classes, we will study Japan-India relationship of over 1200 years and current environmental, academic, industrial, economic and strategic partnerships. While learning key narratives and new perspectives, students are encouraged to find a theme of their interest for the final presentation. The theme should be relevant to the course. There will be opportunities to discuss with students at St. Stephen’s College, India to understand social issues and enhance your knowledge for final presentation.

※Please note that dates for discussion with Indian students may change due to their academic schedule.

After completing the course students will be able to:

1) understand the basic Japan-India relationships,

2) understand Indian culture and tradition based on the discussion with Indian students and 

3) present their ideas clearly in English.

Attendance and Class Participation : 20%
Weekly Assignments: 30%
End-Semester Project Presentation & Paper: 50%



  Explaining the Syllabus

  Introducing each other

  Overview of the India-Japan Relations


Indian Spiritual and Religious Connections with Japan


Sanskrit and its Influence on Japanese Language


Indian Traders and Intellectuals in Japan

* Discussion on Presentation theme, possible online discussion with students in India


Indian Freedom Fighters and Japan


Environmental Cooperation between Kyoto and Banaras


Education and Academic Partnerships

* Discussion on Presentation theme, possible online discussion with students in India


Industrial Projects: Maruti-Suzuki, Delhi Metro and Shinkansen


Indian Information Technology and Japanese Business Industry

* Discussion on Presentation theme, possible online discussion with students in India


Indian and Japanese Nuclear Partnership


Project Presentation


Project Presentation


Project Presentation






If you wish to enhance your understanding of India to prepare yourself for a variety of careers, or simply would like to learn something new, this is the course for you.


①     Attendance and Class Participation: 20%

Please note that attendance will be taken at the beginning of the class and absentees and habitual latecomers may not get a good grade. This includes asking questions in class and actively participating in class discussions.

②     Weekly Assignments: 30%

Summary of the lecture and discussion in the class.

③     End-Semester Project Presentation & Paper: 50 %

Students are expected to choose a topic of interest connected to the class themes to conduct their research and make a presentation of about 5 minutes (30%). After the presentation, please submit 1000 words project paper based on your presentation concluding with learning outcomes(20%).